Having a will prepared properly can save your loved ones time and frustration in dealing with your estate. Guardianship, gifts, trustee selection – these are all sensitive issues that can become volatile during times of grief and loss. Having a lawyer prepare your will properly is essential to having your estate pass soundly. Estates that are complex or ripe for conflict only stress the need to have a professional involved.
Will Preparation
Delaney’s Law Firm prepares simple wills on a flat-fee basis.
Existing clients may qualify for a discount — please get in touch to confirm the amount.
For a Package of a Will and two Powers of Attorney
Single client package: $950 plus HST
Spousal client package: $1150 plus HST
For a Will Alone
Single client Will: $700 plus HST
Spousal client Will: $900 plus HST
For Two Powers of Attorney
Single Client PoAs: $650 plus HST
Spousal Client PoAs: $750 plus HST
For One Power of Attorney (Property or Personal Care)
Single Client PoA: $550 plus HST
Spousal Client PoAs: $650 plus HST
Our fee for preparing a codicil is $475 plus HST for one change, with each additional change being $50 plus HST.
Estate Administration
Estate administration can be time consuming and confusing. The estate lawyers at Delaney’s Law Firm handle estate matters routinely and can help guide you through the process quickly and in a cost effective manner. The lawyers are familiar with the current rules and regulations and can get the necessary forms filed quickly in order to wrap up the estate in a timely manner. To learn more about this process, please refer to our FAQ.
Sometimes estate matters can become contentious. The lawyers at Delaney’s Law Firm are familiar with alternative dispute resolution and the court litigation process. They will be able to guarantee that your estates dispute comes to a resolution one way or the other. The lawyers typically attempt to resolve these issues through mediation first in order to keep costs down. If it does become necessary to spend the money and litigate, the lawyers will put you in the best possible position of having a successful outcome.
Once you call the law office the lawyers will typically have a 30 minute teleconference with you in order to quickly review your matter. If it is clear that you need a lawyer they will then offer a one hour consultation in order to complete the intake process and have a full understanding of the complexity of your matter. You can then decide if you wish to hire the lawyer in order to draft your will or handle your estate matter.
If you would like to review or draft a will, or have an estate matter looked at, then please email us at info@delaneys.ca. or call (613) 233-7000.